πŸ‘ Approved Bookmarklets πŸ”–

Bookmarklet is a little snippet of javascript code saved in your bookmarks bar that will run on any website in one click.
Bookmarklets are easy to install πŸͺ„, use πŸ–±οΈ and remove πŸ—‘οΈ.

‍How to use?

Install it! - drag to bookmarks bar, then click on it!
Now right click on the [Install it!] bookmark and select Delete. (Also you can select Edit..., to rename it.)
Want to make your own? Just write your JavaScript code then convert it into a bookmarklet with Bookmarklet Manager.

πŸ”– Bookmarklet List πŸ“ƒ

Work Related (Accedo specific) bookmarklets from me - Unless you are my coworker it won't help you.

πŸ“Š Timesheet Fill - Auto fill your whole week in Kimble!
πŸš€ Jira Launcher - Quick open any Jira ticket with it's ticket number.
1️⃣ ACCEDOONECA - Quick open ACCEDOONECA project tickets.

Other bookmarklets from me

πŸ¦† gREgDIRECT - Bookmark the current website with custom emoji favicons using my gREgDIRECT tool.

Helpful bookmarklets I found on the web

*️⃣ View Hidden Password - Click this bookmarklet for a pop-up that shows your ******** password in plain text.
πŸ–ΌοΈ Enable Right-Click - Some websites have right-clicking disabled, so you can't download images. Use this bookmarklet to instantly unlock the restriction.
✏️ Enable Text Selection - Some websites have text selection disabled, so you can't copy text. Use this bookmarklet to unlock the restriction.
πŸ” Shared login - A website wants you to log in, but you don't want to create an account there? Search for public accounts from BugMeNot to log in with.
⛏️ Paywall Bypass - Using Outline.com, this bookmarklet can bypass paywalls on some websites in just a few moments.
πŸͺ Remove cookies - Remove stored cookies of current page.
To English - Automatically detect the source language of that page and translate into English using Google Translate.